BLOG: My Daily Rantings
11/4/04- If you are reading this, you most likely know the horrible reality that our nation and the world will have to endure another 4 years of George Bush. ~sigh~ i know, this is horrible, rest assured that by the time these long four years are over, our entire democratic process of checks and balances will have eroded away, gay and womens rights will become entirely supressed, the rich will control EVERYTHING, we will be so engaged in war around the world that we will have a draft. Well if this country wants Bush for four more years then we honestly deserve everythign we get. Good Luck America, WE NEED IT!!!
10/16/04- I have discovered possibly the greatest site of all time (besides the one you are currently on). It is awesome, it is filled with articles, and all kinds of interesting stuff, but probably the best of all is, the VIDEOS. It has all kinds of awesome videos, from informational, to funny, to musical. Everyone should check this out!!! Visit:
10/1/04- As you may know, the first presidential debate was held last night. I tuned in to the debate to watch John Kerry wipe the floor with George Bush. Much to my pleasure, HE DID! LOL it was hilarious watching Johnny Boy crush that bumbling fool. I could waste a huge amount of space here talking about it, but instead I will make a "DEBATE" page that will cover all the debates.
9/13/04- Well I'm gonna cover a topic I don't cover very much. It is however very socially significant and often over-looked. But I'm going to take it on for you all right now. The Ban on assault rifles is about to expire and Bush DOESN"T WANT TO RENEW IT!!! For those of you who don't know much about assault rifles let me break it down for you. These are not for hunting animal, and not for self defense, an assault rifle is what the soldiers in Iraq are using! I believe in peoples rights to own a gun, but this is ridiculous, I will break down my opposition to these weapons into two points. 1) Bush is pulling cops off the street, yet putting these killing machines on the street. The police union has opposed these weapons, and it would be a mistake to endanger our men and women in uniform and add fuel to an already smoldering crime situation. 2)These are the weapons of choice for terrorists, if Bush has no problem invading innocent peoples rights, why does he have such a problem stopping people from getting these guns? This policy is endangering American Citizens and should be taken seriously by concerned people everywhere.
8/29/04- Guess what, not all musicians are for Kerry, a new person has come forward and supported Bush............Jessica Simpson, that's right, the girl who didn't know the difference between Chicken and Tuna. Wow, Bush has some really smart supporters!!! Show your distaste for her choice and boycott Jessica Simpson and any of her products or shows!
8/27/04- Hey, I;m sorry I haven't been able to write for a while, but we just moved and my computer was packed away. But I'm back and I have a ton of stuff that you guys can let rattle around inside your heads for a while. Here we go:
This week the Bush administration passed new legislation taking many workers rights to overtime pay away from them. In a time when we are still losing jobs and why would he take income away from those who need it so much. over 6,000,000 people will lose there overtime benefits because of this, great job Georgie.
If you own a TV you've probably seen the ads attacking John Kerrys war record, well this is abhorrent. If you do a little research you will find that the people behind these ads are members of the Bush Campaign ( thats illegal). Also common sense tells you that these ads are lies. None of these ppl were on Kerrys boat. They all had reports that matched kerry's, but now they have changed b/c the republicans are paying them money. the doctor who says he "treated kerry" did not, his signature didnt appear anywhere on Kerry's medical records. Bush is just attacking his opponents war record just like he did to John McCain and Max Cleland. Too bad Bush doesn't have a war record to defend.
Don't be fooled by the lies. Bush says we are making new jobs. the fact is that he switched fast food jobs to now qualify as manufacturing jobs, this means that if u loose your engineering job but get a McDonalds job, you count as getting your job back. On average the jobs that are gotten back make 9,000 dollars less than the lost ones.
A new bush commercial says Kerry wants to raise taxes on social security. This is stupid for Bush to say because he wants to GET RID OF SOCIAL SECURITY. He has said this to his followers several times.
Finally, my new hypocritical conservative is Dick Cheney. now he is speaking out against Bush's anti-gay and lesbian agenda. Cheney's daughter is a lesbian. This is just another example of how conservatives will lose there " morals" as soon as there ignorant philosophy affects them. Thanks for reading, I'll have more stuff for you as soon as the Republican convention starts in a few days.
8/10/04- Today I bought a copy of Rock Against Bush Volume Two. It is even better than the first. It has over 30 bands including, NoFX, YellowCard, Flogging Molly, Rancid, No Doubt, Bad Religion, the Alkaline Trio and the Foo Fighters. It also has comedy from WILL FERREL. It is a great buy and is inexpensive. Pick up your copy at the Exclusive Company in West Bend.
8/9/04- Hey do you wanna hear the best quote from Bush? "Our enemies never stop thinking of new ways to harm our nation, and neither do we" LOL. At least he admits he is always thinking of new ways to harm us!
7/30/04- This week was the Democratic National Convention. I hope you all watched. If you didn't you can see video or read all speeches at Some of the Best speeches were given by Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards, Max Cleland, and John Kerry. The theme of the convention was definitely possitive. None of the candidates made negative attacks against Bush. I commend them for taking the high road. But the very next day Bush came back with attack speeches. Instead of attacking Kerry, Bush should try to talk about what HE has done for our nation.....if he can. Bush is purely negative, yet he calls Kerry a pessimist, that is hypocritical.
7/22/04- Hey Check Out the Bush Countdown Clock, It counts how much time Bush has left in office. Scroll over and down to see it.
7/22/04- Jobs, or the lack of them, are major factors in our everyday lives. The lack of jobs is one of the major causes for homelessness. So, the Bush solution is to create a website to help homeless people find jobs. There is only one problem, HOW ON EARTH ARE HOMELESS PEOPLE GOING TO USE A WEBSITE?!?!?!? Once again we see this administration acting completely free of logic. More needs to be done to help the poor in our nation.
7/21/04- It isn't hard now to find the Bush Administration Bragging about the economy, but the truth is that his tax-breaks for the rich haven't helped the average american, here are a few quick facts to prove my point:He has only created 1,000,000 Jobs but he has lost 3,000,000 Jobs. While the average income of a CEO went up 16% the average income for a worker went down 3%, It has been decreasing for the last seven months. Health Care has gone up 49%. College tuition has gone up 26%. The average home now has ,000 in credit card debt. And there have been THREE times as many bankruptcies. We have the largest budget deficit in history. We continue to see the Rich getting Richer and the Poor getting Poorer.
7/12/04- Hey I have something fun to talk about, Civil Rights. Many people hold Civil Rights very close to their hearts. The Civil Rights movement was one of the greatest achievements in out nation's history. Every year the NAACP invites the president to speak at their meetings. They invited Bush and he DECLINED. He is the first president since Herbert Hoover to decline an invitation from the NAACP. This made me wonder about his opinions on civil rights issues, so I went to his website to read his articles on civil rights only to find that there are NONE. It is very apparent where Georgie holds civil rights. On the other hand, John Kerry's Wife, Theresa Heinz Kerry marched in South Africa to end Apartheid. Kudos to you Theresa.
7/9/04- Yesterday marked the 1,000th American military death in Iraq. To me numbers are insignificant...........ONE DEATH IS TOO MUCH. We are talking about 1,000 families missing a member, thousands of children missing their parents and hundreds of people missing their spouses or significant others..........How would you feel if your dad or mom was one of those THOUSAND dead Americans. Supporters of Bush say that there hasn't been a terrorist attack in 3 years so Bush is doing good.........But the fact is, terrorists don't care whether they kill a civilian or a soldier, as long as they are an American. We are not being attacked by Saddam's people any more in Iraq.........We are being attacked by foreign terrorists and almost every one of those 1,000 shattered lives are results of terrorism..........By invading Iraq, Bush didn't reduce the risk of terrorism..........He opened a new battle ground for terrorists to attack Americans.
7/8/04- This week John Kerry chose John Edwards to be his running mate. Finally we can have a two-pronged assault on the Bush Team. I think that Edwards is the perfect person to go up against Cheney. Edwards is a Smart, Well spoken, Charismatic, Washington Outsider........Cheney is the spawn of Satan ( my personal opinion ) Who would you rather have as a VP?
6/30/04- " Avoid all needle drugs, the only dope worth shooting is George Bush"
6/29/04- Yesterday power in Iraq was finally turned over to the new Iraqi Government. I would like to break from habit by congradulating Paul Bremer in bringing us one step closer to ending this war ( that polls say 53% of Americans think was un-justified [just had to throw that in] ). But I would warn you not to be fooled. Even though "political" power was turned over, the "coalition" still controls the military. Think about it, who is really controlling Iraq if we still control the military there. I am also very dissapointed that the new Iraqi Government is considering restoring the death penalty there. Why on earth would they even consider bringing in the death penalty after getting rid of a dictator who would execute ppl for fun?!? But hey at least we are one step closer to ending the killing. Up to 11333 Iraqi CIVILLIANS have become casualties of this war. I am putting a casualty counter near the bottom of this page. go to for more stats on U.S. and Iraqi deaths so far.
6/26/04- As you may or may not know, the Bush-Bashing movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11" came out yesterday. It was made by Michael Moore, the man who made "Bowling for Columbine". So today the Co-Founders of the BushWhacker Club went to see it. It RULED. I think it should be the obligation of all American citizens to see it. It highlights the corruption of the Bush administration, its ties to the Bin Laden family and takes time to show the personal stories of soldiers and there familys. I recomend that everyone go see the Canne film festival award winning documentary ( it is playing at Paradise Theater). We have now joined an anti-bush webring, linking us to other anti-bush sites. Power in Numbers!
6/25/04- Today in a commitee meeting on the turnover of power in Iraq, Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota asked Dep. Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz when our troops would be home. Instead of dignifying him w/ a response, he said that we have to be "patient" and "hope it is not decades" DECADES! PATIENT! Should the familys of soldiers be patient? or how about the people in the line of fire, should they be patient? Instead of "hoping" and "betting" we need to take action to GET OUR TROOPS HOME! Bush lied and sent out troops to die for oil, now he needs to bring them back. SCREW PATIENCE!
6/7/04- I just added a poll to the site Check it out by scrolling down. It asks who should be our next president ( you all know my vote). In other news, I just saw the new Bush ad which accuses Kerry of being a pessimist. Well after seeing all the crap Bush has done to our nation, you can't help but be mad. To no be ticked would be ignorance. I'd choose pessimism over Ignorance any day. Bush also says that pessimism never created a job, well neither did BUSH! So what if bush had made a few hundred jobs, compared to the MILLIONS he has lost that is nothing.
5/31/04- Today is Memorial Day. A time for us to look back and reflect. So in the spirit of reflection, lets look back on the last 3 years. America was attacked on September 11th, but several other attacks have been made upon us, from our very own president. He sent our men and women to die on foreign soil for an unjustified cause. Our economy Job market, environment, health care system, and our alliances have all taken hits from Bush. Our one saving grace is that John Kerry will kick Bush's ass in November. Kerry all the way ( or Nader, Whoever will win)
5/25/04- Today I am going to take a brake from my usual rantings to update you on some of the up and coming events for the BushWhacker Club website. I am planning to make two new pages. The first is going to be a review page featuring as many anti-bush books as I can find. Expect to see " Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them," " Why Liberals will win the battle for America," " Against all Enemies," and " Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and other Observations." Here at the BushWhacker Club, we have many people who we despise, not just our illegitimate president. So many of them go unnoticed by my rantings, so I am going to make a decisive list naming all of the people who I consider to be and enemy of freedom and justice. I still haven't made a name for it. I could call it the "idiot of the day" or I could call it "the BushWhacker list of Bushies" but I haven't decided on anything, If you have an Idea, talk to me, or e-mail it to me @ and make the subject, BushWhacker Club Idiot List. Also, in order to promote our club, starting now and ending on November 2nd, Anyone who wants burnt copy of " rock against Bush"k can get one by either filling out an application for the club or paying $1.00. Any one who is already a member gets one just by asking me. That's right FREE CD FOR MEMBERS!!!
5/23/04- I am in such a good mood. This weekend I purchased the book " Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them," by: Al Franken. It is so Funny! Not only is it funny, it is also smart. Al Franken Exposes the lies of Bush, Cheney and the entire Right Wing Media. I would suggest that everyone picks it up. I am also happy because last week, Bush fell off of his bicycle. I'm guessing he was leaning to far to the right, how symbolic
5/20/04- This week we celebrate the 50th anniversaryof Brown Vs. The Board of Education. For those of you who don't know, this is the monumental court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was Illegal in Schools. This is one of the most important court rulings in our nation's history. These judges took the initiative to stand up for civil rights and rule in favor of equallity. Both Bush and Kerry were at the celebration and both gave speeches. I commend them both for showing up however Bush has several times made it very clear that he doesn't like activist judges. Had it not been for these activist judges our public schools would still be segregated. Bush is a Hypocrit!
5/11/04- It is my Birthday so I should be in a good mood, however, Yesterday a six year old girl and twenty other innocent civilians were gunned down by U.S. soldiers in Iraq. The official report says that the civilians including the Girl posed no threat to American Soldiers. So why did our "liberating" soldiers feel it was necessary to end these peoples lives? I think that when the media reports that "x" amount of soldiers or civilians died today in Iraq, we forget that these are not just numbers, they are people; men, women, and children. This brings us the question" What are they Dying for?" We have proven that there were no weapons in Iraq. Saddam was a secular dictator and had no connection to Religious Terrorists. So why? Why do these children have to die? I highly doubt that the six year old girl was a terrorist! She was just a child and the next on Bush's list of Casualties! Open your eyes people, Children are DYING. People who SURRENDURED to us are being TORTURED. Bush claims that those responsible for this will be punished, yet these soldiers were merely taking orders, and Bush is such a hypocrit that he refuses to punish Rumsfeld. I say that if Rumsfeld doesn't lose his job now, Bush should lose HIS in November. !Peace!
5/10/04- My new Hypocrit of the week is Nancy Reagan. For those of you who don't know, the former first lady is now endorsing stem-cell research because of her husbands illness. It seems that the conservatives are so quick to judge, yet when they are put in a bad position, their so called "morals" dissappear. While I'm glad that Stem-Cell research has another supporter, I find it ammusing how fast the Republicans will sell out their morals. Who knows, maybe one day they will all put themselves in other people's positions and stop their ignorance.
5/7/04- I'm in a rather good mood today because I just bought the CD, "Rock Against Bush". It is a compilation of Punk Rockers who hate Bush. It features, NOFX, the OFFSPRING, Less than Jake, SUM 41, the Alkaline Trio and a lot more. It has nearly 20 unreleased songs, a bonus DVD, 40 reasons why Bush is a moron and it is only Volume One. I can't wait until Volume two comes out. It only cost me 8 dollars. ;) !!!
On a slightly less possitive note, thanks to the "Clear Skies Emissions" act, Three times the amount of Mercury is being released into the atmosphere. So, thanks to Bush, the very air you breath is causing you to lose brain cells and lowering your intelligence. It is obvious that Bush doesn't give a crap about the Environment, yet the other week the Bush Administration passed a law protecting the fish that lays the eggs used in the most expensive caviar* (that might be spelled wrong). So the Alaskan wildlife preserves can get ruined but the rich Republicans have to have their expensive appetizers. And they claim to be for the common people?!?
5/2/04- The new Bush ad accuses John Kerry of putting our troops at risk, well Mr. President, do you know what is really putting our troops at risk... SENDING THEM TO WAR.
The Bush Administration has claimed that even though there are no WMD's in Iraq, Saddam Hussein needed to be unthroned because of the inhumane ways he treated his prisoners, well now prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison are being tormented by American Soldiers. Whatever happened to the Geneva Conventions?
5/1/04- Abortion. The recent Women's rights rallies in Washington have led many to believe that Kerry is Pro- Abortion, the Fact is he is Pro-Choice there is a large difference. No one likes abortion, it is a horrific concept, however just because we don't approve of it, doesn't mean that we can deny women the right to choose. We do not know what possition they are in or what is going on inside their heads. The baby could be born with a fatal disease, could be born with AIDS or could be addicted to cocaine before they are even born. These Pro-Life conservatives should stop trying to force their will upon other people. Their morals don't apply to everyone. If you don't like abortions DON'T HAVE ONE!
Edited by Nived |
99 Reasons Bush Sucks
We've compiled a list of 99 reasons Bush Sucks.
1- He Started an unnecessary war
2- Lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction
3- Invaded in spite of the UN security council
4- Over 1,000 dead American Soldiers
5- We still haven't captured Osama Bin Laden
6- 87,000,000,000 dollars for ONE year in Iraq.
7- Torture of POW's at Abu Ghraib
8- Instead of fighting the war on terror, we're fighting in Iraq
9- There is no connection between Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
10- The Patriot Act
11- He opposes affirmative action
12- Appointed a Racist judge on Martin Luther King Day
13- Wants to take the choice for abortion away from women
14- Cut funding for the violence against Women Act
15- Won't allow Stem Cell Research
16- Opposes Civil Unions
17- Tried to get a constitutional amendment that limits civil rights
18- He called Africa a country
19- Wants to allow oil drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife preserve
20- 3 times as much Mercury is allowed into out atmosphere
21- 700 acres of the Tongass National Forest have been cut down
22- Clean Air Emissions Act lowers clean air standards
23- Pulled out of the Kyoto agreement on Global Warming
24- Allows foresting in the largest Bald Eagle habitat
25- Wants to spend up to a TRILLION dollars to go to Mars
26- Cut restrictions on pollution for the Energy Industry
27- Hold the U.S. record for most executions as governor, 152
28- Had mentally challenged people executed
29- Didn't fully fund the No Child Left Behind
30- Tuition prices for college are higher than ever, a 26% increase
31- He spend 4 times as much on War as he does on Education
32- Promised ,000,000,000 to Schools but never fulfilled that promise
33- Cut financial aid for thousands of Low-Income college students
34- Gave more funds to private schools while cut funding to public schools
35- Supports mandatory school uniforms
36- Dropped his own dog on it's head
37- 43,000,000 Americans without Health Insurance
38- Cut funding for Medicaid for children under the poverty level
39- Wants to privatize Social Social Security
40- Won't let people buy medicine from Canada
41- Cut social security benefits for Veterans
42- Combat pay cut to soldiers
43- Didn't investigate and even protected Enron, his largest campaign contributor
44- World Record for most corporate campaign donations
45- Trillions in tax cuts for the Rich
46- Secretary of Education called teachers terrorists
47- NAFTA out-sources U.S. jobs
48- Lost 25,000,000 American Jobs, 6% unemployment rate, Claims this helps us?
49- Cannot pronounce the word Nuclear
50- In the 2000 election, Katherine Harris threw out 27,000 votes in a Florida county where 98% voted Democratic. Bush only won by 500 votes.
51- Turned the larges Surplus in history into the larges Deficit
52- Taken more vacation days than any other President
53- He did Cocaine as a kid
54- He nearly died while eating a pretzel
55-Average person's share of the national debt is now ,000
56- Was reportedly AWOL from his national guard division during Vietnam.
57- He refuses to take a drug test.
58- There is a 13% unemployment rate among young adults, but he cut ,000,000 From youth job training programs
59- Cut funding for over 375,000 low income college students
60- Pulled the US out of the international criminal court
61- Didn't support a world trade organization agreement that would sell medicine to 3rd world countries for cheaper prices
62- Wouldnt allow UN elections inspectors during 2002 elections
63- Passed unconstitutional legislation stealing our civil liberties
64- Said Geneva conventions do not apply to our prisoners
65- Hasn't attended a single soldiers funeral
66- Taken eleven executive orders removing women's rights
67- 70% of foreigners consider him the largest threat to world peace
68- only president to enter office with a criminal record.
69- War costs us $1,000,000,000 dollars a week
70- His plan can only protect loose nukes in Russia within 10 years
71- He is endorsed by Pat Roberson who blamed 9/11 on gay people
72- Didn't supply troops with the best body armor, 25% of casualties could have been prevented if he had.
73- Highest US trade deficit ever
74- all the contracts for rebuilding in Iraq went to his campaign supporters
75- His campaign shirts are made in Burmese sweatshops
76- cut 40% of funding for after school programs
77- Used the largest non-nuclear bombs in heavily populated areas of Baghdad.
78- Was told by 60 prominent scientists that he lied about facts
79- Cut FBI's counter- terrorism budget by 2/3
80- Ignored pre-9/11 warnings of terrorism
81- waited 11 minutes after being told we were under attack to respond to 9/11
82- Has tried to appoint seven radically anti-women's-rights judges to the federal circuit court
83- Nominated a judge who is so anti-environment, he has compared environmentalists to King George the III
84- The people he appoints to manage the environment were all former lobbyists for people who pollute the environment
85- 18,000 US injuries in Iraq
86- Refuses to regognize Afghanistans statehood which allows human rights violations
87- Cut overtime benefits for 664,000 americans
88- CEO's now make 16% more money while the average american makes 3% less money
89- 49 % increase in the cost of Health Care
90- There is a 3% inflation rate, but he won't raise minimum wage
91- Average home now has ,000 in credit card debt
92- Average income has been decreasing for the last seven months
93- In 2003 there have been 3x as many bankruptcies as previous years
94- Dick Cheney was involved in corporate scandals, in which millions of dollars were stolen from employees of haliburton
95- Bush tries to force his religion upon everyone else despite the freedom of religion and separation of church and state
96- He ruins our international relationships, leaders of France, Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, South Africa, Canada, India, and the Vatican have all denounced Bushes policies
97- He is the first president since Hoover to refuse to speak at the NAACP
98- Ignored warnings from senior military advisors about invading Iraq
99- George W. Bush claims that he hasn't made a single mistake his whole presidency
Hey everybody I just listened to my new favorite peace song, it is called the conspiracy of silence. It is by a singer called John Kasper. Everyone should go Check it out at: - Nived
Letter From Jimi
Hey, this is Jimi, and i have noticed that most republicans are either strait out ignorant, were brain washed, don't care, or just plain don't know. For us smart democrats out there, it is our job to save this country, or at least make the people aware of the corruption. For those republicans that are offended, write to me on the message board and tell me what you think. For you bush lovers out there I have a challenge. If you can give me five good things bush has done for this country as a whole, I dare you post them on the message board and we'll se how smart you are.
written by: Jim Gilbertson aka Jimi