About the BushWhacker Club
BushWhackers Clubhouse

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About BushWhackers

Visual Democracy

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Bush or Chimp

Rock Against Bush


RNC coverage

The Genesis!

The BushWhacker Club was originally created by Devin ( Nived ) and Jimmy ( Jimi ).  We currently have 30 members and are expanding rapidly.  All of our members are students. We were started in March of 2004 and have been working to spread the word about how GWB has hurt our nation.  We have been fairly popular so far ( that little blue number at the bottom of the home page is how many people have gone to the site). We are a purely grassroots organization, and are not in cooridiation, or connected to any candidates campaign, we merely wish to voice our opinions on politics and to stand up for what is right. Not all members of our group agree with everything, we merely are united by our distaste for the Bush Administrations policies. Thanks for supporting us by coming here, tell your friends, we need to get the word out!!

Our Rival

We have even been influential enough to create a rival.  Jayson Howard started the Kerry Whacker Club ( how original ) to combat our club. He even created a website. But don't even bother going to it, I will tell you what it isl; the first page has a picture of Bush and says "Devin and Kerry are Idiots" ( Wow Jayson, that is soooooo mature ) the other three pages are completely blank.  I wouldnt even recomend waisting your time going there, but if you feel so inclined to see our opposition go to http://www.kerrywhackers.20m.com/ . Expect to be dissapointed.  By the way in case you don't know anything about Jayson Howard, he is an admitted fascist ( nazi ) a warmonger and he threatened to kill my TWO YEAR OLD SISTER!!!

The Future

We currently don't have the capabilities, but starting next school year, we will be holding meetings and staging protests of fascists like Bush.  We have many new ideas, including meetings, protests, rallies, informative pamphlets and possibly BushWhacker Merchandise.  We have to see to it that the adults stop the ignorance and vote for Kerry.  We may not have a vote, but we will make sure that our voices are heard!

Our Savior

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